Google has acquired Adscape Media
More Information about the acquisition:
Frequently asked questions
Q. What is Adscape Media?
A. Adscape Media is a small in-game advertising company based in San Francisco California. Adscape Media offers dynamic delivery of advertising with plot and storyline integration - making its solutions a truly interactive marketing platform. Adscape Media supports sophisticated demographic and geographic targeting and also provides a robust reporting interface for marketers.
Q. Why did Google acquire Adscape Media?
A. In-game advertising is an area where we believe Google could add a lot of value to users, advertisers and publishers. Adscape Media’s technology and talented team are a great addition to Google’s current advertising solutions for advertisers and publishers.
Q. What are the terms of the acquisition?
A. The terms of the acquisition are confidential and the deal is officially closed.
Q. How much did Google pay?
A. The terms of the acquisition are confidential and the deal is officially closed.
Q. Will Google assume full operational control of Adscape, or will Adscape remain autonomous?
A. We are excited to have the Adscape team join the Google team. We will work together on moving this project forward.
Q. Why did Adscape Media decide to sell to Google?
A. We found that there was a great fit with their technology, team and culture.
Q. Has Google previously incorporated in-game advertising into its ads services?
A. No.
Adscape Media Partners & Business
Q. What does this mean for Adscape Media’s partners?
A. We plan to continue working with the developer, publisher and advertiser communities. Many of our partners have already been informed of the acquisition. If you have questions, you can contact us directly at:
Q. Will current partners continue to get paid?
A. Yes, current partners will continue to get paid - and we will honor any open contracts.
Q. When will Google integrate in-game advertising into the Google advertising platform?
A. At this time, we do not have news to share about the integration plans.
Q. Do you already have deals signed with game developers?
A. We have been in discussions with many in the game development community and hope to partner with both large and small game publishing companies.
Q. Given the dramatic growth of the gaming market in recent years, how much advertising market share does Google hope to gain from this acquisition, both immediately and over time?
A. We don’t release specific projections but we think there is great value in video game advertising. As more and more people spend time playing video games, we think we can create opportunities for advertisers to reach their target audiences while maintaining a high quality, engaging user experience. That said, we will test ways of successfully implementing this form of advertising and Adscape’s technology will be instrumental in those tests.
Q. Will the in-game ads continue to be integrated into the game or will they become text ads similar to AdSense format?
A. As this is a recent acquisition it is too early to say what the ads will look like. We will explore a variety of options to determine what is best for the advertiser and user.
Q. Where does Google see in-game advertising going in the future, in terms of both revenue and the technology itself?
A. We don’t release specific projections but we think there is great value in video game advertising. As more and more people spend time playing video games, we think we can create opportunities for advertisers to reach their target audiences while maintaining a high quality, engaging user experience. That said, we will test ways of successfully implementing this form of advertising and Adscape’s technology will be instrumental in those tests.
Over the past few years, the video game experience has become richer and more interactive. We think this rich environment is a perfect medium to deliver relevant, targeted advertising that ultimately benefits the user, the video game publisher and the advertiser.
Labels: English, Press Center Blog